About Eric

Eric’s journey into the mental health field began over twenty-five years ago during his own recovery from multiple addictions. While living in a halfway house, he began working with “at risk” youth, and discovered he could evoke change and awareness in that population. This experience, along with learning how to live without substances and pathological behaviors, enabled him to understand how to begin the healing process and sustain recovery, leading to his work today.

Eric does his best to earnestly practice and embody the therapeutic techniques he prescribes for his clients. He firmly believes there are many ways to achieve and maintain long-term recovery, however, all modes of recovery must encompass “Universal Spiritual Principles.” These include honesty, willingness, integrity, commitment, compassion, courage and forgiveness, to name a few.

Practicing Mindfulness

For more than twenty years Eric has been practicing mindfulness meditation and Bi Neural Brainwave Entrainment. It is his experience that for lasting, holistic recovery to occur, one needs to cultivate some type of mindfulness practice.

Eric’s Qualifications

  • Master’s degree from Naropa University in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Wilderness Therapy (MA)
  • Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC)
  • Certified Multiple Addictions Therapist (CMAT)
  • Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist (LCAS)
  • Certified Sex Addiction Therapist-Supervisor (CSAT-S)
  • Certified to deliver Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF/CBT) to children and adolescents
  • Level II EMDR practitioner
  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Level II
  • Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS)
  • PhD student in Clinical Sexology at the International Institute for Clinical Sexology with an emphasis on Addictions

“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Continuous Learning

Eric is committed to continuous learning with a focus on treatments that help alleviate signs and symptoms of PTSD, and is passionate about keeping up with the latest neuroscience and Tier I, peer reviewed research on what modalities are optimal for transforming all forms of trauma into Post Traumatic Growth and resilience.

He prides himself in embodying every construct he attempts to teach his clients, as he is a firm believer he cannot transmit something he does not have and is therefore committed to doing his own healing through weekly individual therapy and monthly peer supervision.

Eric firmly believes you can learn, with patience and practice, to be the expert on you, and discover what is “healthy” for you. He does his best to be a “hallow bone” — a conduit for you to realize that you can learn to become your own healer and be the master of a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Eric is dedicated to continuous learning about the new science of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) and Dr. Dan Siegel’s modality called Mindsight. IPNB believes there is no separation between our psychology and physiology and Eric applies the IPNB and Mindsight models when working with addiction, trauma and/or co-occurring disorders.

He has been an active member of the Mankind Project (MKP) since 2008, which encourages men to take greater responsibility and accountability for every facet of their lives, and fosters men to be their authentic selves. MKP prides itself in creating a safe container to help men look at their “shadow,” what Carl Jung termed unconscious, negative and positive character traits which we keep hidden.

Eric deeply admires the courage it takes to enter into therapy and begin the process of self-exploration leading to greater overall well-being. He welcomes you to Heart and Soul Recovery and considers it an honor and a privilege to assist you on your quest for wholeness.

“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reach Eric

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